How a Sewer System Works

A typical sanitary sewer system is constructed of a network of pipes, laterals and mains connecting to each building and transporting sewage to a wastewater plant.
A property owner's sewer pipe is called a sewer lateral and connects to a larger authority-maintained pipe called a sewer main.
Sewer laterals are the responsibility of the property owner and must be maintained by the property owner for the entire distance from the house to the sewer main.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a sewer lateral?
A sewer lateral is the sewer pipe connecting the property to the main sewer pipe of the Authority. This main sewer pipe is typically located in the street and connects other sewer laterals. The sewage from each property flows to the Authority's sewer main and eventually to the wastewater treatment plant.
Who owns the sewer lateral?
The sewer laterals are the responsibility of the property owner and must be maintained by the property owner for the entire distance from the house to the sewer main. The Authority is not responsible for the sewer lateral.