NOTICE is hereby given that the Borough of Conshohocken Authority will hold a public information session regarding stormwater collection and maintenance on December 7, 2023, beginning at 6:30 p.m. at Borough Hall, 400 Fayette St, 1st Floor, Conshohocken, PA. The purpose of the meeting is to share information with the public. Members of the public may attend this meeting in person or participate virtually from a remote location using the Webex platform.
The procedure to attend virtually from a remote location is set forth below:
- Access the video feed using the following link: https://boroughofconshohockenauthority.my.webex.com/join/emongan
If it is the first time you will be using Webex, the link will direct you to a website to download the Webex application. Please follow the instructions to install the Webex application.
If you have already downloaded the Webex application, the above link will redirect you to the application itself. Please follow the instructions. If you have already downloaded the Webex application and are not using the link, input the following meeting number:
Meeting #: 126 638 4022
It is recommended that you download the application in advance of the meeting time. If you attempt to sign in prior to the start of the meeting, the Webex application will inform you that the meeting has not started. Please close the application and log back in at the time of the meeting.
- Call-in to participate via audio. For ease of use, this method of audio participation should be used by all participants, even those using the Webex application to view the video feed.
Dial: 1-(415)-655-0001
Access Code/Password: 126 638 4022The public is asked to please keep their phones on mute at all times.
- Those who wish to ask questions or offer comments shall do so in an orderly manner, one at a time, and shall provide their name before comment.
Prior to or during the meeting, the public may submit written questions or comments via e-mail to emongan@conshohockensa.com. Questions or comments submitted in this manner will be read aloud during the meeting. Please submit all comments as soon as possible, whether before or during a meeting.
If you encounter problems participating during a meeting, please contact the Authority at emongan@conshohockensa.com and identify the problem experienced.
This meeting will be recorded and posted to the Authority’s website.
Brent Wagner
Interim Executive Director
Borough of Conshohocken Authority